

咨询热线 13552901487

位置:北京爱必学 > 北京帮我选课 >  需求说明
mola**(男)发布时间:24-03-24 浏览:2263次
  • 行业:其他综合
  • 地区:北京
  • 电话:******
  • 状态:
  • 能接受的费用:元
    Hi there, I hope you're fine! My name is Alessandro and I represent the company X Best World Ou. We have some fantastic offers on educational products, perfect for you. Discover our educational solutions at affordable prices and invest in the education and educational leisure of your children. Below is the link with the offer https://bestqtf.my.canva.site/kidstudying For further information you can contact me directly. Thank you, see you soon! Best regards, Alessandro